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About the Reserve Officers' Training Corps Program

参加后备役军官训练军团 at Cedarville Brings Life Change

预备役军官训练团(参加后备役军官训练军团)是一项以大学为基础的军官选修课. Through the 参加后备役军官训练军团 program, you will develop skills in leadership, problem-solving, strategic planning, 和 professional ethics. 严格的训练将帮助你获得在大学取得成功所必需的自信和自律, the military, 及以后.

你可以在大一和大二期间参加后备军官训练队,而不必服兵役. If you decide you are up to the challenge, 完成学位后,你将继续参加后备军官训练团的高级课程.

After completing the 参加后备役军官训练军团 program, 你将被任命为现役军官,或在预备役或国民警卫队服役.

沙巴体育为美国陆军和空军提供后备军官训练队项目. While the program is open to all majors, both branches have a high need for science, 技术, engineering, 和 math (STEM) majors, as well as nursing majors.

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的 appearance of U.S. 美国国防部(DoD)的视觉信息并不意味着或构成国防部的认可. 沙巴体育不是国防部或任何军事部门的官方组成部分.

What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

Develop Leadership Skills - During classes, leadership 实验室, physical training, 和 field training exercises, you will learn firsth和 what it takes to lead others, motivate groups, 和 conduct missions as an officer in the United States Army or Air Force.

Build Confidence -你将获得在大学取得成功所必需的自信和自律. As you progress, 你将获得管理活动的技巧和经验, setting goals, managing people 和 resources, 和 making decisions in dem和ing circumstances.

Pay for College 参加后备役军官训练军团提供各种各样的奖学金,这将有助于减轻你大学教育的经济负担. A variety of full 和 partial scholarships are available, 和 certain scholarships have specific requirements. 参加后备役军官训练军团 scholarships can be used to cover 学费 和 most lab fees. 也, 你将获得每年的教科书津贴和每月的津贴,从大一的300美元到大四的500美元不等.

What Can You Do with 参加后备役军官训练军团 Training?

参加后备役军官训练军团 will prepare you to succeed in any competitive environment. 的 你在后备军官训练团的领导力训练和经验将会 为你成为陆军军官打下基础 美国空军或陆军,面临挑战和回报的职业 在使用世界上最先进的技术的同时获得机会.

Upon completion of the 参加后备役军官训练军团 program, 你将被任命为少尉,开始你在军队的第一次任务. 等待学员的职业包括从飞行员到医疗职业等各种职业, to engineers to police officers. 参加后备役军官训练军团 graduates start their career at the management level. 他们作为领导者获得的经验和他们接受的技术培训转化为有价值的, marketable experience outside of the military.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Varied Experiences -你将能够参加具有挑战性和有益的活动,如跳伞, piloting a sailplane, trips to active military bases, orientation flights, official military functions 和 ceremonies, 和 one-on-one mentoring with an active officer.

Professional Development -你将能够参加空军和陆军学校的各种专业发展培训,以及像空袭这样的专业课程, basic airborne, mountain warfare, 北部 warfare, 和 foreign language immersion.

Internships -暑期实习项目为学员提供锻炼专业语言的机会, 技术, or research skills in fields such as the chaplaincy, public affairs, intelligence, general security, nuclear security, medical, nursing, 和 engineering.

Foreign Immersion Experience - As an Air Force or Army 参加后备役军官训练军团 cadet, 你可以通过竞争获得在20多个国家学习的机会. 这些机会让你接触到不同文化的日常生活 language study, 这有助于培养具备语言和文化技能的军官,以支持21世纪的全球行动.

参加后备役军官训练军团 students st和 at attention

Life as a Cadet


Air Force 参加后备役军官训练军团 Detachment 643 »
Army 参加后备役军官训练军团 Marauder Battalion »

Program Curriculum

Air Force 参加后备役军官训练军团 Curriculum -空军后备军官训练队课程由Cedarville大学与位于赖特州立大学的空军后备军官训练队合作提供. Air Force 参加后备役军官训练军团 courses are included in the 锡达维尔大学注册课程时间表, 领导力实验室和大部分课程都在赖特州立大学的校园里进行. 沙巴体育为校外课程提供交通服务.

Air Force 参加后备役军官训练军团 Sample Courses

  • Evolution of USAF Air 和 Space Power I
  • United States Air Force Leadership Studies

Army 参加后备役军官训练军团 Curriculum -陆军后备军官训练队课程由雪松维尔大学与位于中央州立大学的陆军后备军官训练队合作提供. Army 参加后备役军官训练军团 courses are included in the Cedarville University course schedule for registration purposes, all classes, 实验室, 体育锻炼在中央州立大学校园内进行. 沙巴体育为校外课程提供交通服务.

Army 参加后备役军官训练军团 Sample Courses

  • Leadership Lab I–IV
  • Military Science I–IV

Program Format 和 Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level 和 Format

  • Undergraduate
  • Residential
  • 四年

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